Death Inflicting Dasa — Bhukti

Varaha Mihira
2 min readAug 4, 2019

There are several rules to determine the death inflicting Dasa and Bhukti. Given here is one such rule, which gives specific results for one born in different Lagnas.

According to Jataka Parijata 14.64.,

  1. One born in Tula Lagna meets death in the Dasa-Bhukti of the 2nd lord.
  2. One born in Simha, Vrschika and Kumbha Lagna meets death in Lagnesha’s Dasa-Bhukti.
  3. One born in Mithuna and Kanya meets death in Rahu’s Dasa-Bhukti.
  4. One born in Mesha, Karka and Makara Lagna in the Lagna Drekkana Lord’s Dasa-Bhukti.
  5. One born in Vrshabha Lagna meets death in the Dasa-Bhukti of a Graha who aspects the Lagna Drekkana Lord. If no one aspects the Lagna Drekkana lord, then the death occurs in the Dasa-Bhukti of the Lagna Drekkana Lord itself.
  6. One born in Dhanu Lagna meets death in the Dasa-Bhukti of a Graha who is conjunct the Lagna Drekkana Lord. If no one conjoins the Lagna Drekkana lord, then the death occurs in the Dasa-Bhukti of the Lagna Drekkana Lord itself.

The basis of this classification is a combination of whether the Lagna Rasi is Sirshodaya, Prstodaya or Ubayodaya, and whether the Rasi is Cara, Sthira and Ubhayodaya.

Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrschika and Kumbha are the Sirshodaya Rasis. They are said to rise with their head. They are favorable in the initial part of the Rasi. Mesha, Vrshabha, Karka, Dhanu and Makara are Prstodaya Rasis, and they are favorable towards their concluding portion. Mithuna and Meena are the Ubhayodaya Rasis, and they are favorable in their middle portion.

Likewise, the Rasis from Mesha onwards are Cara, Sthira and Ubhaya Rasis in order. Which means, Mesha, Karka, Tula and Makara are the Cara, Vrshabha, Simha, Vrschika and Kumbha are Sthira, and Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanu and Meena are Ubhaya.

Based on these two combinations, we have the following classes:

  1. Shirshodaya Cara — Tula: 2nd lord
  2. Shirshodaya Sthira — Simha, Vrschika and Kumbha: Lagna lord
  3. Shirshodaya Ubhaya — Kanya: Rahu
  4. Prshtodaya Cara — Mesha, Karka, Makara: Lagna Drekkana lord
  5. Prstodaya Sthira — Vrshabha: Graha aspecting the Lagna Drekkana lord
  6. Prstodaya Ubhaya — Dhanu: Graha conjoining the Lagna Drekkana lord
  7. Ubhayodaya Cara — none
  8. Ubhayodaya Sthira — none
  9. Ubhayodaya Ubhaya — Mithuna, Meena: Rahu for Mithuna, Nothing mentioned for Meena.

For Meena, either we accept Rahu, or the Graha conjoining the Lagna Drekkana lord, as they are valid for Ubhaya Lagnas.

Om Tat Sat



Varaha Mihira
Varaha Mihira

Written by Varaha Mihira

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.

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