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The Iḍā Nāḍī

The Role of Ida Nadi in Svara Shastra

Varaha Mihira


Iḍā Nāḍī is Saumya as it is governed by Candra. Therefore, when the Candra Svara/ Left Nostril/ Iḍā Nāḍī is active, one should undertake work that is of lasting nature, and the benefit of that work is experienced over a long period. Generally, kinds of auspicious rites (Śubhakarma) is favourable in Iḍā Nāḍī, whereas the Krūrakarma such as the Maraṇa, Uccāṭana etc., is successful in the Piṅgala Nāḍī. In this Nāḍī one should undertake charitable, and benevolent activities such as construction of pond etc., for public welfare, building an Āśrama, temple etc., that is for establishing devotees and God etc. All these activities have long lasting importance, and thus must be carried out in Candra Nāḍī. Sūrya Nāḍī on the other hand is favourable for things which must be done in short spurts, such as war, fighting and duel. The following ślokas mention about several other activities of this sort.

Śiva Svarodaya 103–105. The Iḍā Nāḍī is favourable for: Stationary work (स्थिरकर्म), collection of ornaments (अलङ्कार) and other necessities of the house, going to a distant place (दूरध्वगमने), construction of a hermitage (आश्रमे), temple (धर्मप्रासादे), pond (वापी), well (कूप) and tank (तडाग), consecration of the idol of a Deity (प्रतिष्ठा स्तंभदेवयोः), travel and charity (यात्रादाने), marriage (विवाहे) and for the purchase of clothing and ornaments (वस्त्रालंकारभूषणे); performance of rituals for pacification (शांतिके) or attainment of worldly prosperity (पौष्टिके), preparations of divine medicines or chemicals (दिव्यौषधिरसायने।), interview with one’s master or a friend (स्वस्वामिदर्शने), trade and business (वाणिज्ये) and collection of food grains (कणसंग्रहे), entry into a newly constructed house (गृहप्रवेशे), service (सेवायां), agriculture (कृषौ), sowing seeds (बीजवापने।), auspicious works (शुभकर्मणि), efforts for peace negotiations (संधौ) and in going out (निर्गमे). अथ इडा स्थिरकर्मण्यलंकारे दूरध्वगमने तथा। आश्रमे धर्मप्रासादे वस्तूनां संग्रहेऽपिच॥१०२॥ वापीकूपतडागादेः प्रतिष्ठा स्तंभदेवयोः। यात्रादाने विवाहे च वस्त्रालंकारभूषणे॥१०३॥ शांतिके पौष्टिके चैव दिव्यौषधिरसायने। स्वस्वामिदर्शने मित्रे वाणिज्ये कणसंग्रहे॥१०४॥ गृहप्रवेशे सेवायां कृषौ च बीजवापने। शुभकर्मणि संधौ च निर्गमे शुभः शशी॥१०५॥

Śiva Svarodaya 106–109. Iḍā is also favourable for: Beginning of Study (विद्यारभ्यादिकार्येषु), meeting with relatives (बान्धवानां च दर्शने), in birth and emancipation (जन्ममोक्षे), religious activities such as visiting a temple etc. (च धर्मे) and initiation into a religious order (च दीक्षायां), mantra sādhanā (मन्त्रसाधने), practice of Jyotiṣa Śāstra (काल विज्ञानसूत्रे), bringing cattle to the house (चतुष्पादगृहागमे।), in the treatment of serious diseases (कालव्याधि चिकित्सायां) and at the time of addressing one’s master (स्वामिसंबोधने); riding a horse or mounting an elephant (गजाश्वारोहणे), taking a new bow (धन्विगजाश्वानां), tying an elephant or a horse (च बंधने।), performance of charitable acts (परोपकरणे) and establishment of a treasure (निधीनां स्थापने); in singing, playing on a musical instrument, dancing (गीत वाद्यादि नृत्यादौ), study of the science of dancing (नुत्यशास्त्रविचारणे।), entry into a village or town (पुरग्रामनिवेशे), wearing the sandal-paste mark on the forehead, and the purchase of land or in coronation (तिलकक्षेत्रधारणे). विद्यारभ्यादिकार्येषु बान्धवानां च दर्शने। जन्ममोक्षे च धर्मे च दीक्षायां मन्त्रसाधने ॥१०६॥ काल विज्ञानसूत्रे तु चतुष्पादगृहागमे। कालव्याधिचिकित्सायां स्वामिसंबोधने तथा ॥१०७॥ गजाश्वारोहणे धन्विगजाश्वानां च बंधने। परोपकरणे चैव निधीनां स्थापने तथा॥१०८॥ गीतवाद्यादिनृत्यादौ नुत्यशास्त्रविचारणे। पुरग्रामनिवेशे च तिलकक्षेत्रधारणे ॥१०९॥

Śiva Svarodaya 110. Idā is also favourable when one is thinking about a sick relative (स्वजनस्वामिसम्बन्धे), or is brooding over his illness (आर्तिशोकविषादेषु), fever (ज्वरित), or state of senselessness (मूर्छितेऽपि), and at the time of storage of food-grains or fuel wood (अन्नादेर्दारुसंग्रह). आर्तिशोकविषादेषु ज्वरितमूर्छितेऽपि वा। स्वजनस्वामिसम्बन्धे अन्नादेर्दारुसंग्रह ॥११०॥

Śiva Svarodaya 111. O lady with a beautiful face (वरानने)! Iḍā Nāḍī is also favourable at the time of putting on dental ornaments by ladies (स्त्रीणां दन्तादिभूषायां), coming of rains (वृष्टेरागमने), worship of the preceptor (गुरुपूजा), removal or purge of poisonous materials (विषादीनां चालने). स्त्रीणां दन्तादिभूषायां वृष्टेरागमने तथा। गुरुपूजाविषादीनां चालने च वरानने ॥१११॥

Although Iḍā is favourable for several Karmas as explained before, we must also vie for the Jala and Pṛthvī Tattva at the time of performance of the Karma. This is because, Jala and Pṛthvī are governed by Saumya Grahas, Śukra/Candra and Budha respectively. On the other hand, the Vāyu and Agni, that are governed by the Krūragrahas, Śani, Maṅgala/Sūrya should be shunned for the performance of the Śubhakarma, else they result in failures. It is only after judgement of both the Svara and the Bhūta, one should perform an activity. Now, Ākāśa Tattva is governed by Bṛhaspati, then why should it be shunned? It is because Ākāśa is favourable only for meditation and sādhanā, and for mundane activities, it causes failures.

Śiva Svarodaya 112. Although Iḍā has been declared as favourable for Yogic practices, yet when the Vāyu, Agni and Ākāśa Bhūtas are predominant, such practices should be avoided. इडायां सिद्धिदं प्रोक्तं योगाभ्यासादि कर्म च। तत्रापि वर्जयेद्वायुं तेज आकाशमेव च ॥११२॥

Śiva Svarodaya 113. All works whether at day or at night are successful under the flow of Iḍā. In fact, the flow of Candra Svara is favourable for all kinds of Śubhakarma. सर्वकार्याणि सिद्धयन्ति दिवारात्रिगतान्यपि। सर्वेषु शुभकार्येषु चन्द्रचारः प्रशस्ते॥११३॥

Om Tat Sat



Varaha Mihira
Varaha Mihira

Written by Varaha Mihira

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.

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