The Nakshatra Mandala
1 min readFeb 13, 2016
The nakshatra mandala shows the placement of the various Nakshatras and the following
- The starting and ending longitudes of the Nakshatra padas, Navamsa, Drekkana etc.
- The Dieties of the Nakshatras
- The mapping of Navatara and special nakshatras to the Naisargika Nakshatra Mandala
- The mapping of the body parts, starting from Krttika, to the Naisargika Nakshatra Mandala
- The planetary rulers as per Vimshottari Dasa mapping
- The exaltation (red glyphs) and debility (blue glyphs) of the planets in different nakshatra padas
- The Navamsas mapped to the Nakshatra Padas (glyphs)
- The Drekkanas mapped to the Nakshatra Padas (glyphs)
- The Rasis mapped to the Nakshatra Padas (glyphs)
- The Gunas (Quality) of the Nakshatras, Rajas, Tamas and Sattva at 3 levels (the 3 outer rings). Red= Rajas, Blue= Tamas, Green= Sattva.
The mandala is created by me with hours of labour. Please copy / use this with my permission.