The Piṅgala Nāḍī

The role of Piṅgala Nāḍī in Svara Shastra

Varaha Mihira


The Piṅgala Nāḍī is favourable for Krūrakarma, i.e., the work that requires force, fierceness, courage and heroism. The Ṣaṭkarma such as Maraṇa, Mohana, Stambhana, Vidveśana, Uccāṭana and Vaṣīkaraṇa are successful in this Nāḍī. One fulfils one’s passion in his Nāḍī, as that is short and quick. Therefore, sexual adventure with either own wife, or a prostitute is recommended in this Nāḍī. However, visitation to relatives, Guru etc., that has lasting importance is recommended in Iḍā Nāḍī. This Nāḍī is also favourable when a high alertness of the mind, and a willingness of put high effort is needed, such as beginning of studying a new Śāstra, or even preparing for examinations. Fights and Legal battles in this Nāḍī are highly recommended, as this requires significantly high mental alertness level. Effort intensive activities such as making bricks, breaking sones, cutting wood is favourable in this Nāḍī. Stated below are several other activities that are favourable in this Nāḍī. This Nāḍī manifests the violence without us. Therefore, when one has violent thought, such as to kill someone, butcher animals, or other criminal thoughts such as having forced sex, injuring someone, stealing etc., one should immediately try to switch the Svara to Iḍā. Having Piṅgala Svara flowing for and entire day without switching to Iḍā can have a disastrous effect!

Śiva Svarodaya 114–116. Piṅgala is favourable for study or teaching of cruel and destructive sciences (कठिनक्रूर विद्यानां पठने पाठने), company of a woman or a prostitute (स्त्रीसंगवेश्यागमने) and boarding a big ship (महानौकाधिरोहणे), corrupt or disruptive works (भ्रष्टकार्ये), drinking wine (सुरापाने), sādhanā of a Vīramantra (वीरमंत्राद्युपासने।), in a state of restlessness (विह्वल), in the destruction of the country (विद्धंसदेशादौ) and poisoning the enemies (विषदानेचवैरिणाम्), practice of Śāstras (शास्त्राभ्यासे), journey (गमने), hunting (मृगया), selling of cattle (पशुविक्रये), making bricks, breaking sones, cutting wood, and polishing gemstones (इष्टिका काष्ठ पाषाण रत्न घर्षण दारणे). अथ पिङ्गला कठिनक्रूर विद्यानां पठने पाठने तथा। स्त्रीसंगवेश्यागमने महानौकाधिरोहणे॥११४॥ भ्रष्टकार्ये सुरापाने वीरमंत्राद्युपासने। विह्वलोद्धंसदेशादौ विषदाने वैरिणाम्॥११५॥ शास्त्राभ्यासे च गमने मृगया पशु विक्रये। इष्टिका काष्ठ पाषाण रत्न घर्षण दारणे॥२१६॥

Śiva Svarodaya 117–121. Piṅgala Nāḍī is also favourable for: Practice of speed (गत्यभ्यासे), practicing Yantra, Tantra (यंत्रतंत्रे), scaling a fort or a mountain (दुर्गपर्वतरोहणे), gambling (द्यूते), theft (चौर्ये), taming an elephant or a horse, driving a chariot (गजाश्वादिरथसाधनवाहने), Ṣaṭkarma such as Marana, and Uccāṭana (मारणोच्चाटे षट्कर्मादिकसाधने), or overcoming Yakṣinīs, Vetālas, poison and evil spirits (यक्षिणी यक्ष वेताल विष भूतादि निग्रहे); riding an ass, camel, buffalo, elephant or horse (खरोष्ट्र महिषादीनां गजाश्वा रोहणे), crossing a torrential river or a seas (नदीजलौघतरणे), practice of medicine (भेषजे) and writing a manuscript (लिपिलेखने); in Maraṇa, Mohana, Stambhana, Vidveśana, Uccāṭana and Vaṣīkaraṇa (मारणे मोहने स्तंभे विद्वेषोच्चाटने वशे), inspiring others to do something (प्रेरणे), cultivation (कर्षणे), getting enraged and disturbed (क्षोभे), making charitable donations (दाने), buying and selling (क्रयविक्रये); invocation of a ghostly spirit (प्रेताकर्षण), hostility, eradicating or punishing an enemy (विद्वेष शत्रु निग्रहणे), wielding a sword (खड्गहस्ते) while attacking an enemy in a battle (बैरियुद्धे), indulging in carnal pleasures (भोगे), visiting a king (राजदर्शने), taking food (भोज्ये), bathing (स्नाने), mercantile negotiations (व्यवहारे) and works of illumination, or resplendent work (दीप्तकार्ये). गत्यभ्यासे यंत्रतंत्रे दुर्गपर्वतरोहणे। द्यूते चौर्ये गजाश्वादिरथसाधनवाहने॥११७॥ व्यायामे मारणोच्चाटे षट्कर्मादिकसाधने। यक्षिणीयक्षवेतालविषभूतादि निग्रहे॥११८॥ खरोष्ट्रमहिषादीनां गजाश्वारोहणे तथा। नदीजलौघतरणे भेषजे लिपिलेखने॥११९॥ मारणे मोहने स्तंभे विद्वेषोच्चाटने वशे। प्रेरणे कर्षणे क्षोभे दाने च क्रयविक्रये॥१२०॥ प्रेताकर्षण विद्वेषशत्रुनिग्रहणेऽपि च। खड्गहस्ते बैरियुद्धे भोगे वा राजदर्शने। भोज्ये स्नाने व्यवहारे दीप्तकार्ये रविशुभः॥१२१॥

The thought of having sex comes from the Piṅgala Nāḍī as that is masculine in nature, like Maṅgala/Sūrya. Whereas the thought of having company of wife, family and friends come from Iḍā, as that is feminine in nature, and like Śukra/Candra. Maṅgala denotes passion, and Śukra harmony. Sūrya Nāḍī does not only ignite the sexual fire within us, it also ignites the digestive fire. Therefore, having food during the flow of Sūrya Nāḍī is favourable. At night, when we sleep, activating the Sūrya Svara helps in digesting the food that we had in the dinner, and invigorates the body. However, one who is suffering from insomnia or mild sleep, should activate the Iḍā Nāḍī, as that helps in cooling down, and overcoming heat (Pitta), that causes these maladies. The Iḍā can be activated by sleeping on the side, so that the right hand touches the bed, and the left hand is towards the sky. In general Sūrya Svara is favourable for activities that requires strong desire and passion, to overcome obstacles, and to attain victory over adversities.

Śiva Svarodaya 122. Wise men say gratifying one’s senses (भुक्तमार्गे), activating the appetite and increasing digestive fire (च मन्दाग्नौ), seducing a woman (स्त्रीणां वश्यादिकर्मणि) and sleeping (शयनं) should always be done best under Piṅgala Nāḍī. भुक्तमार्गे च मन्दाग्नौ स्त्रीणां वश्यादिकर्मणि। शयनंसूर्यवाहेन कर्तव्यं सर्वदा बुधैः॥१२२॥

Śiva Svarodaya 123. Every kind of cruel work (क्रूराणि सर्वकर्माणि), or working requiring movement, or are temporary or transient (चराणि विविधानि) are successful under Sūrya Nāḍī. There is no doubt about it. क्रूराणि सर्वकर्माणि चराणि विविधानि च। तानिसिध्यन्ति सूर्येणनात्र कार्याविचारणा॥१२३॥

Om Tat Sat



Varaha Mihira
Varaha Mihira

Written by Varaha Mihira

I am a Jyotish enthusiast and have been researching on this subject for more than 30 years. My mission in life is to bring Jyotish to its glorious state.

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